Gregory Xie


Roboticist @

Boston Dynamics AI Institute

Hi! I’m Greg Xie, a roboticist at the Boston Dynamics AI Institute. I’m interested in how the design of robotic manipulators can reduce the complexity of planning and perception algorithms.

I completed my Masters at MIT with Daniela Rus, where I developed mechanically intelligent end effectors. Before that, I completed undergraduate degrees in Mechanical Engineering and EECS at MIT.

selected publications

  1. auxbot2_preview.png
    Large-Expansion Bi-Layer Auxetics Create Compliant Cellular Motion
    Lillian Chin ,  Gregory Xie ,  Lipton Jeffrey ,  and  Daniela Rus
    ICRA (Accepted), 2025
  2. frog_preview.png
    Strong Compliant Grasps Using a Cable-Driven Soft Gripper
    Gregory Xie ,  Lillian Chin ,  Byungchul Kim ,  Rachel Holladay ,  and  Daniela Rus
    IROS (Oral Presentation), 2024
  3. bop_preview.png
    In-Hand Manipulation With a Simple Belted Parallel-Jaw Gripper
    Gregory Xie ,  Rachel Holladay ,  Lillian Chin ,  and  Daniela Rus
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024
  4. auxbot_preview.png
    Flipper-Style Locomotion Through Strong Expanding Modular Robots
    Lillian Chin ,  Max Burns ,  Gregory Xie ,  and  Daniela Rus
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2023